Saturday, January 30, 2010

Internet is Back

Our internet is finally working again. I don't have much time to post so I'll just post a few pictures for now. ;)


He always gets so excited when I fold laundry. He instantly crawls over to the basket, climbs up and reaches in and grabs towels and sticks them in his mouth. It's so cute, I love it.

I'm not happy with the lighting in this picture but I love the look on
his face.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One Year Ago Today!

One year ago today we found out we were having a BOY!! We went to our appointment and I was SURE we were having a girl. As soon as she moved to where she could tell the sex during the ultrasound, I could tell. She didn't even have to say anything, I could tell instantly. Nice maternal instincts, huh? lol! Afterwards, we went straight to Babies R Us and spent $300 on baby boy stuff!! It was so awesome to FINALLY know what we were having.


Our internet in the apartment hasn't been working for the last few days so I haven't been able to upload any new pictures. I have uploaded them to the computer, but not online. I haven't been able to update my 365 blog in days (I have been taking a picture a day though). It's extremely irritating. I don't have Photoshop on the laptop (what I have been using) so I don't want to upload anything on here. Ugh, hopefully we have it fixed by the end of the week. The maintenance crew here isn't overly speedy.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Testing Out a Different Lens

It's only day 4 of my 365 day project and I'm already frustrated. Taking a picture a day is great but I'm frustrated with my camera. I'll have problems with focusing so I'll google and try to do some research. Then I attempt to apply my new "knowledge" and then the pictures are worse. I clearly don't understand what I'm reading. irritating. Connor hasn't really been interested in taking pictures for the last few days either. He starts to crawl towards me the second I sit him down. Then if he is playing and I try to get a picture, I'll call his name so he looks, and then he crawls towards me. Lol, he's not making it any easier on me. I have got to imagine a still subject is easier than a moving one.

Anyway, our living room is super small so I decided to try out the lens that came with my camera and I actually like it. I like the 50mm better but this one worked well in our small room. Its an 18-35mm (ha, I think).


(Both of those were still with my 50mm)


(Those were the 18-35mm)

And here is one I took with a cream background. I actually like how it turned out.


I took this one with my black backdrop (obviously) and I like it better in color but I uploaded this one to photobucket on accident and I'm too lazy to go back and upload the other one.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shopping Cart & Standing

Connor just started sitting in the front of the cart recently and I finally got a picture. The color is off but we were at Target and there wasn't much I could do. He loves to sit up like a big boy though. He plays with toys and reaches for anything I touch, I love it.



He has also gotten much better with pulling himself up without any help. He has mastered standing in his crib and is getting better with standing at his musical table. It's only hard because it moves so easily.





I'm way late, but I started a 365 day picture blog. I wish I would have started on January 1st, but better late than never, right?

365 Day Project

Monday, January 18, 2010

Just for Fun!

Here are a few pictures just for fun :)




Friday, January 15, 2010

Pulling Himself Up

Connor is still sticking with the army crawling for now. He gets up on all fours but then the first step he tries to take, he falls on his belly and scoots the rest of the way. Army crawling doesn't slow him down though, that's for sure. He is all over the place. He's even venturing into other rooms now. It may be time for a baby gate to keep him where he belongs.

He has figured out how to pull himself up on furniture too. I went to get him out of his crib the other day and he was standing up! He about gave me a heart attack! We lowered his mattress immediately and he's still pulling himself up (now he can't fall out though). As exciting as it is to see him do this, it has made putting him to bed harder. We have been putting him in his crib awake for the past few months and he alwasy puts himself to sleep. Last night we had to go in because he had pulled himself up 4 times before he finally fell asleep. Hopefully it's only because it's something new he can do...


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Backdrop Attempt

I have seen lots of bloggers lately making their own backdrops and taking awesome pictures. A lot of people are using plexiglass on the bottom but I didn't have any so I went without. I'm not sure what fabric people are using either...a lot of other black backgrounds look crisper and blacker (if that makes sense). I just used felt this time around. I'm having a little trouble smoothing out lines...haven't quite figured that out yet. I'll have to ask around and get a few tips on how to make them look a little better. I know it's a little earlier but I took a few Valentine's Day inspired pictures. I found these ducks at the grocery store and figured they might be fun.

I cut his head off a little in this one, ugh!



I tried to be a little more creative with this picture. I'm not sure if this would be considered a success or a fail. ;)

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snowboarding in Michigan

Pat and I went snowboarding for the first time this weekend. It was a lot of fun but so much harder than I imagined. We spent the majority of our time on our butts. We are both so miserably sore! Can't wait to do it again next year though!



Up To No Good

Connor's favorite thing to do now that he is army crawling is to go straight to the TV and hit all of the buttons on the DVD player, Playstation, and the cable box. I always say "No" and he looks back smiling. He isn't even crawling yet and he's already in to everything. Although it can get irritating moving him away from the TV 97 times a day, it is really cute to watch him scoot himself over there.




My clean baby fresh out of the tub :)



Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Army Crawling

Connor started army crawling on 12/31/09, I am just slow uploading this video. I love that he's moving around but he has also become a little velcro baby, lol. I'll put him on the floor and he almost instantly rolls onto his belly and scoots himself over to me. He tries to pull himself up on my legs but he just hasn't quite figured that out yet.

He is getting smarter every day. He has a busy ball popper that he loves, and he'll actually take the balls and put them in the little tube. They aren't supposed to go in there, they're supposed to pop out of there but still, he sees a round ball, and puts it in a round opening. He also takes those little ring stacking toys and puts the ring on the post. He's putting his arms up when he wants to be held. He splashes like crazy in the tub. When I pucker my lips at him, he grabs my face and pulls it closer to him (with his slobbery mouth hanging open of course). He's just becoming such a little boy. Some of these things he has been doing for a while but it still amazes me :)

Am I Learning?

So I've been reading a book, trying to figure out how to take better pictures and I feel like they may be improving slightly. I've started bouncing my flash off of the ceiling and I think it looks better. Maybe I have just been staring at all of these pictures for too long..maybe they look too bright? Pat got me Photoshop Elements for my birthday but I'm not 100% sure how to use it. I'm going to try watching a few youtube tutorials and see if it helps any.


The brightness in these 2 is better right?

Maybe I'm just not doing it right, but I feel like the photo looks kind of strange when I do it in Black & White. Maybe it's just his lips? They looked really pink in other pictures, maybe that's what is making them so dark here. He looks like he's freezing or something. Or is it just me?

Sleepy baby, ready for bed.



Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Recap

2009 was quite a year for our family and I feel like 2010 is going to be even better :)






June: ♥












What a year ♥