Friday, April 2, 2010

2 Lonely Followers

I only have 2 lonely followers following my new blog! No one wants to keep up with Connor and I?? Come see what's new with us ;)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Blog!

I have decided to change my blog and steer away from using our name. I don't know why really, just decided I would be more comfortable if I didn't use our last name. I'm going to keep doing the same thing I've been doing and I've imported all of these posts. I'll be deleting this blog soon so I really hope my followers will switch over and follow my new blog!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Picture Overload!

We are finally back from Vegas! We had a BLAST! We were only there for 2 nights but that was more than enough. We stayed at New York New York which I actually wasn't too impressed with. I like the casino but I didn't really care for the hotel. It's kind of dated and not very "Vegas-like" lol, whatever that means. We went to a piano bar one night and had a blast there and pretty much gambled the whole first day. The weather was absolutely beautiful...75ish and sunny! Here are a few pictures (from my point & shoot).

Heading to the piano was AWESOME!!

Gambling (and winning!) at NY NY

I think this is the bridge by Caesars..

Little Man stayed with Grandma and Papa while we were gone. I missed him like crazy! He was super excited to see me in the morning when he woke up though :) He was all giddy and jumped up for me to grab him out of his crib. I took these right before I left.





Oh and as a nice little welcome home treat, Connor is saying "mamama, mama, mama, mamama" over and over and I LOVE IT!! I know he's not talking to me but it doesn't matter. Hearing it come out of his mouth is awesome.

Finally, a picture of Pat and Connor watching the Blackhawks game :)


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Until now, Connor has only done the baby ooh's and ahh's, never any consonants. Yesterday he started saying "babab, bubub" over and over again. If I say "Bubba" he smiles and says "bubba" :) I don't know if he is purposely mocking what I say or if its just a coinsidence but he does it most of the time. I tried to get it on video but he ignored me and wanted to play with the camera. I love it!

He loves this truck but he always tries to climb OVER it instead of just crawling around it and he gets stuck every time! He tries for a minute or so and then he's mad and wants you to help him. If I just stand him up, he leans right back down to try and climb over it again. I feel bad because I know he's frustrated but I just can't help but laugh!


And 2 more pictures just for fun :)


I love how brown his eyes look in this one and I swear I didn't photoshop
them ;)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Attempting to get 9 Month pictures

Today was my 3rd attempt at doing Connor's 9 month pictures. He's such a little busy body, I can never get a decent picture. I was actually pretty pleased with the few that I got today though :)





The focus is a little off in this one but he still looks cute as a button so I dont care ;)

Monday, March 8, 2010

9 Months Old


Little Man is 9 months old today and I can't believe it. He is getting so big so fast! He is developing such a little personality and it's hilarious to watch. Let's see..lately he has started the whole shaking this I posted a few days ago. It's funny but can be irritating at the same time (he likes to shake things that aren't sturdy). He runs away from you when you try to stop him from doing something he shouldn't be (I may have posted about that too) or take something he shouldn't hav away from him. He cruises all over the house and absolutely loves opening cabinets. He doesn't usually take anything out, just opens and closes them 1000 times.

He is a GREAT eater but has recently decided he doesn't really care for purees anymore. He usually fusses throught them. If I put finger foods in front of him, he eats them without a problem. He would much rather do it himself.

He no longer sleeps through the night (ugh). He has 3 teeth trying to come through on the top and they are just driving him crazy. He is usually up twice throughout the night (between 2 and 3am and then again between 4 and 5am). His new wake-up time for the day is 6am (if I'm lucky, 630). I'm hoping with the time change coming up this weekend, he'll sleep a little later. That would be wonderful!!

He hasn't been to the doctor yet so I don't know his weight/height but he's still wearing mostly 6 months clothes (6-12 in Old Navy pants because 6-9 just isn't long enough) and the few things he can wear in 9 months are only because 6 months pants are always too short.

It's been a fun month. I love how busy he is and I love the little boy he is turning into. I can't wait to see what new things he learns over the next month :)


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Shake it

In the last few weeks, Connor has decided he likes to shake everything! He pulls himself up to things and then shakes them with both hands. He does it to his music table, the couch, the baby gate, his crib, my leg, shopping carts, everything. It's so funny. In the last few days he has realized what "shake it" means and he starts to shake it. It's the first...I dont want to say command, lol, but that's kind of what it is. I call it his first "trick" when I tell family about it. I mean sure he'll appreciate that when he's older, ha. ;)

Ignore the fact that he's not wearing any pants. He was playing with his bottle and it leaked all over his pants.
*I just want to add that I played the video once I posted to make sure it worked and while it was playing, I looked over at Connor and he was "shakin' it" on his music table :)